Wednesday, September 3, 2008


While we're celebrating Journalism Week here, we can't forget to link to our own Kerry O'Connor, who is discovering that great writing is one thing but a warm nose is the quickest path to success.
Kerry penned an ode to faithful companion Bogey in the current edition of the Weekly Press (bottom of Page 2). Hey, if it could work for John Grogan, maybe "Bogey & Me," is the ticket for Kerry.
We love Bogey, who apparently loves Kerry enough to tolerate being photographed wearing a ridiculous hat. The occasion for the article was Bogey's 11th birthday (nice round number). That makes Bogey 77 in Pen & Pencil softball years. Still under the age cutoff, and we look forward to having him back next season. And the guy in the Red Sox hat, too. (Hey, maybe Bogey makes him wear it in retaliation.)

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