Monday, August 18, 2008


The Pen & Pencil was represented at the fabulous Center City Softball League All-Star Game by the above collection. Nevins apparently never left the chair but still had two home runs. Cheering on Nevins, B.J. Clark, Tom Hickey, Brian Donlen and Julie Dugan were Eddie Cascarella and pre-op Ron Goldwyn, who sported the team togs and his starter set of knees.
Nevins filed this report (which was edited somewhat because some other teams in the league have infiltrated our top-secret blog and we want to appear vaguely sportsmanlike):
"The sides were Franklin Douchestitute, P&P, and NCC against everyone else. So the other team had players from five different squads. That’s because FI brought 11 players. I’m not joking. At one point, they were half of our team.
"Anyway, our side pretty much killed them. Not sure what the final score was since we didn’t really keep an official book. It was kind of mass hysteria. Ed from FI did a decent job of getting everyone in and making sure everyone played. I managed to convince him to let me pitch which was doubly gratifying because I’m awesome at it and it took (edited sequence) Candy out of the game.
"The P&Pers did us proud. Donlen hit well as did Hickey and Julie. B.J. was also there. I was 2 for 2 with two home runs and I also struck out the side in one inning. Half of that last sentence is actually true."
A fine report and a good showing by our lads and lady. Those who accused me of only inviting B.J. so that Julie would have a ride are obviously jealous backstabbers.
We are still going to try to have the combo intrasquad game/cookout sometime soon. We have to get Ron out of Magee first and back on his titanium legs. Stay tuned.

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