Monday, May 5, 2008


When we trailed 4-1 after two innings, I have to confess to a bit of nervousness. There didn't seem to be that P&P killer spirit. Maybe it was Cinco de Mayo, I don't know. But, seriously, the Academy of Natural Sciences Dung Beetles were on a one-game winning streak and one had to wonder. Admittedly, it was the only game they had won since 2006, but still.
Fortunately, the softball world righted itself in the home half of the third inning, when the mightly Pen & Pencil sent 17 to the plate, scored 12 runs and took control of what would become an 18-9 win over the DB's.
A nitpicker would pick at the fact that we scored a total of six runs in the five other at-bats, but, as we like to say so often, whatever. Viva Tecate, Viva Escriba y Lapiz. Oy.
Hitting stars of the day included Tom Hickey (4-for-5), Brian Donlen (3-for-4) and a big bunch with two hits each. Coming off the bench to put the win away were Tom DiNardo, John Hall and George Miller. Chris Yasiejko went the distance for the win. Chris Brennan wrestled first base into absolute submission.
A big Pen & Pencil howdy to Julie Dugan, who played her first game on the roster and didn't run screaming from the entire scene. That will come later.

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