All right, I was just going to write some funny, meaningless crap (my specialty) about the Pen & Pencil softball team training seriously for upcoming season. And most of you know exactly how seriously we train. But then, after getting the photo of BJ having a quaff in front of some nude Roman dude -- left-handed quaff! -- I am sent by unknown sources the picture of general manager Chris Brennan having a similar libation with a similar lack of cares in the world.
Now, I have to tell you. BJ is one thing. No one expects much more from Mr.I'm-Dating-A-16-Year-Old. Honestly, if he just stays out of jail, brushes all the crumbs off the Guv's tits and gets one stinking hit this season, we're fine with BJ. He's good company and makes the rest of us look like successes.
But Brennan? Oh, no. This won't stand. The last time I spoke to him, our general manager said he was doing the heavy lifting in regards to getting the roster in order. He did not mention that the heavy lifting involved a 24-ounce can of Foster's. (By the way, I have been to Australia, and Foster's is not Australian for beer. It is Australian for piss. Foster's is like Blatz in Australia. They fucking laugh at you if you drink it. Good marketing department, though.)
Anyway, the brand of beer is not the issue. The dedication to improving the team for the coming season is the issue. I ask you, is this man thinking about the batting order? No, he is not. He is thinking about something else, and this just won't do. I would invite all team members with similar concerns to call the general manager and, if he is conscious, ask what he has done lately to make ours a better softball team. You might not like the answer.
Hope the rest of you are in better training. The management just returned from a hard weekend of training in Tampa and -- special event alert for all team members! -- will be speaking to leftfielder George Miller's journalism class at Temple on Wednesday. Space is limited, of course, but George says that all roster members will be accomodated on a first-come, first-served basis. The subject of the lecture will be, "The Internet: Journalist Boon or Misbegotten Moon." Don't miss it.
As GM of the P&P Softball team, I feel honor-bound to address this absurd screed with the true facts of the matter. While we all hope Bob Ford comes to grips with his anger issues, I think we can all agree that his management style of late has made Dallas Green look like a skilled diplomat in comparison.
Hence the need to take important time from my recruiting schedule to address significant team morale issues in a Las Vegas symposium.
If Ford's ranting continues, we'll continue the conversation at a time and exclusive resort to be named later.
Fire me. Please, fire me.
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